Journaling is a habit that will help you master lessons and insights gleaned from your life’s experiences. You can experience personal growth and transformation by journaling on a daily basis.

I will like to encourage you to keep a number of journals as coach, and encourage your clients to do same. Some the journals I recommend are listed below.

  1. Gratitude Journal.
  2. Judgment Journal.
  3. Peace, Contentment and Satisfaction Journal.
  4. Reflections Journal.
  5. Affirmations Journal.

One of the profound benefits of journaling is that it brings about a change of perspective when you mediate on the things you have journalled.

I could go on and on to share the numerous benefits of journaling, but trust me on this the habit of journaling is a necessity on your path to mastery, reaching your zenith and living out your ikigai.

Looking forward to hearing your growth and transformation stories from journaling.

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